2007/8/9 2:00 by 小白 浏览(1110) 评论(6)
A minister and a soapmaker went for a walk together.The soap maker said."what good is religion? Look at all the trouble and misery of the world! Still there, after all the prayers and sermons and teachings. If religion were good and true, why should this be?" The minister said nothing.They continued...
posted by 小白 at 2:00
2007/8/6 5:51 by 小白 浏览(1128) 发表评论
posted by 小白 at 5:51
2007/8/4 20:06 by 小白 浏览(734) 评论(5)
我不想看到那么多广告留言 我也不知道这个东西是怎么挑上我的博客的 能屏蔽麽? 这东西烦死了
posted by 小白 at 20:06
2007/7/14 1:22 by 小白 浏览(750) 评论(1)
when we were young, mom told us what we can do and what we cant. what was right and what was wrong. they ask us to follow their standards and sometimes even force us to do so they said"when you already grow up you will know im doing the right thing and definitely you will do as what i am doing right...
posted by 小白 at 1:22
2007/6/29 20:32 by 小白 浏览(661) 发表评论
 嘿嘿   开心 和男朋友认识2年了  一切良好 生活安逸  
posted by 小白 at 20:32
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